Light Etchings

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Long Draw Trip

In multiple ways this trip to Colorado is a feast of memories, some revisited and others to come, some emotional, and all fond.  On a recent memory hunt, I trekked the Long Draw Road that branches off from Colorado 14, the Poudre Canyon Road.  Long Draw doesn’t show well on either Apple or Google maps, and in Southern lingo, it’s over “yonder way” from our Red Feather home, or more precisely, an hour’s drive.  

The Long Draw Road a long, winding affair that ultimately leads to the origin of the Colorado River, which at that point is a trickle in a small marsh.  I last saw the river’s origin thirteen years ago when my son Galen and his son James and I walked across it.  I didn’t go that far on this trip.  Instead, I hiked a short distance into the Trap Park Trail. 

July is wildflower month in Colorado, and along this trail I saw two state flowers in all of their radiance: Indian Paintbrush (Wyoming),

and Columbine (Colorado).

I then followed the trail past the flowers and part way up the mountain to a point where I could see a mile or two and captured this image (I occasionally REALLY like a black and white image.)

At the end of the day, after the hike, the flowers, one moose sighting and a peaceful, rainy drive back down the Poudre Canyon to home, I reminisced it all, including some older memories, with a glass of wine.

Peace and tranquility to all!
